Getting Started

Welcome to Evernote Translation Community!

Our objective is to make Evernote available to the entire world. With your help, we can achieve this goal. You can translate as much, or as little of Evernote as you like. There is no minimum commitment.

Before You Start

Please follow our recommendations on using a proper tone, dealing with placeholders and trademarks, and translating accelerators (keyboard shortcuts) to make Evernote properly localized and easy to use in all languages.

Translating Evernote

About Our Translation System - High-level overview of Evernote translation process.

How to Sign In - Your first steps in our system.

Your Public Translator's Profile - How to add your name, your avatar, and your Twitter and LinkedIn profiles.

Browsing Translation Projects - How to find a project for translation.

Suggestions and Submissions - How to suggest translations.

Translating Stuff - How to translate strings (step-by-step guide).

How to Deal With Errors - How to avoid them and what to do if you see an error notification.

Correcting Mistakes in Translated Strings - How to correct a poor translation you notice in Evernote.

Using Search - How to search for a word or a phrase in translated or source strings.

Viewing Your Statistics - How to see how many words you've translated and reviewed.

Advanced Topics

Translate Like a Boss - How to use extended functionality to make your translations best ever.

Translating Strings in Plurr Format - How to translate expressions containing plurals.

Changing Your Translation Preferences - How to change settings and add additional languages.

Quality Checks - Description of all error notifications.

Export View - How to see all strings in a project at one page.

Reviewing Translations From Other Users - How to approve and reject translations suggested by other users.

How to Improve Terminology - How to change a term translation.

Translator's Score - How to measure your translation success.

Got Questions?

Contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.